
我要投稿 投訴建議


時間:2024-07-28 07:53:53 初二 我要投稿
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  蒼茫天空中。再次落下,晶瑩剔透的小水珠,一塵不染~靠,已經(jīng)連續(xù)幾天下雨的天氣了,我的心情也十分陰沉。人人都說學海無涯,學習本來就沒有邊界,下雨卻只能躲在教室里乖乖學習,叛逆的小心思也使不出。一到下午滿操場的水洼,塑膠跑道卻沒有濕。體育課雖然上了,但是 滿操場都承載著微涼的氣息?到處都是閃著亮光的水洼-_-||。夜晚后的一段時間,我在奮筆疾書的寫著作業(yè),感覺這是充滿寧靜的夜晚。這時夜已輕輕拉開一絲帷幕,朝陽似微微侵入天際。雙手輕搖著,看著路旁樹那高大的倒影,聽著東河水濺濺的流著,聞著路邊散發(fā)出微微淡香的花香,我不禁如癡如醉的陶醉在……糟糕,我不禁想起我的座右銘~莫等閑,白了少年頭,空悲切?岳飛。想到這兒,我已經(jīng)回到家了,翻開一堆一堆作業(yè),我加快了努力的腳步,追逐自己的夢想。


  In the vast sky. Once again, the crystal clear water drops, spotless ~ rely on, has been raining for several days, my mood is very gloomy. Everyone says that there is no limit to learning. There is no boundary to learning. However, in the rain, we can only study in the classroom. The rebellious careful thinking cant make it. In the afternoon, the playground was full of puddles, but the plastic track was not wet. Although the physical education class, but full of the stadium are carrying a cool breath ? everywhere is a bright puddle - |. Some time after the night, I was writing my homework hard, and I felt it was a quiet night. At this time, the night has gently opened a curtain, and the sunrise seems to slightly invade the sky. I cant help but be infatuated with the tall reflection of roadside trees, the splash of Donghe River and the faint fragrance of flowers on the road Bad, I cant help but think of my motto - dont wait to be idle, white the youths head, empty sad ? Yue Fei. Think of here, I have come home, turn over a pile of homework, I speed up the pace of efforts, to pursue their dreams.












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