The following sentences contain examples of adjectives. They are in pairs that contain adjectives that are opposite to each other:
I am happy when it is my birthday. 我過生日的時候非常開心。
She was sad when her puppy died. 她的小狗死了,她非常傷心。
We were excited about going to the concert. 要去聽音樂會,我們非常興奮。
She was bored because there were many grammar exercises. 有太多語法練習,她感到厭煩。
She is beautiful and wants to be a model. 她很漂亮并想成為一名模特。
A witch is normally very ugly. 女巫通常都很丑。
The desert is very dry. 沙漠里非常干燥。
My towel is wet because it fell into the pool. 我的毛巾是濕的,因為它掉進了游泳池了。
Children can be naughty when they are two years old. 孩子在兩歲的時候非常調(diào)皮。
Your children can visit me any time because they are well-behaved. 你的孩子都很乖巧,他們可以隨時拜訪我。
The party next door was noisy. 隔壁的派對很吵。
The mountains are very quiet when it snows. 下雪時山里非常安靜。
A weightlifter is very strong. 舉重運動員非常強壯。
He lost a lot of blood and was very weak. 他失血很多,非常虛弱。
The dogs were horrible to the cat. 對貓來說,狗是非常可怕的動物。
The bird sang a nice song. 鳥兒可以唱出好聽的歌。
There was only enough space for one car on the narrow road. 這條狹窄的道路僅能通過一輛車。
The main avenue of the city was very wide. 這座城市的主街道非常寬。
There was a great disturbance when the bank was robbed. 銀行被搶劫時一陣騷亂。
There was a minor problem at work today though it wasn't serious. 今天工作中出現(xiàn)了一個小問題,雖然不是很嚴重。
I was late to work so my boss was angry. 我上班遲到了,老板很生氣。
It is important to be early. 寧早勿晚。
I am tired after running for three hours. 跑了3小時后,我很累。
I slept very well last night so I was energetic this morning. 昨晚我睡得很好,今早很有精神。
When I have lots of money I am rich. 當我有了很多錢,我就很富有了。
The people who don't have money are poor. 沒有錢的人是窮人。
I didn't feel a thing. It was painless. 我沒有知覺,感受不到疼痛。
Having a tooth removed can be painful. 拔牙很疼。
The lights didn't work, so it was very dark. 這里很黑因為燈壞了。
The sun was out in the middle of the day so it was very bright. 中午時太陽出來了,有了光亮。
A new Porsche isexpensive. 這輛新保時捷很貴。
A potato ischeap. 馬鈴薯很便宜。
Studying online has been very helpful to me. 在線學習對我很有幫助。
During the exam I forgot everything, I was helpless. 考試時我忘記了所有知識,很無助。
Taking notes is a useful way to help learning. 記筆記是幫助學習的有效途徑。
Trying to memorise the dictionary is useless. 試圖記字典是沒用的.。
Learning a new language is not difficult. 學習一種新語言并不難。
Learning a new language is easy if you practice. 如果你練習,學習一門新語言很容易。
Eating and sleeping well will make you healthy. 良好的飲食和睡眠會使你保持健康。
She was sick so she went to the doctor. 她生病了,去看醫(yī)生。
After you wear your socks for three days they are dirty. 你的襪子穿了三天,一定很臟。
When I get out of the shower I am clean. 我洗了澡,渾身舒爽干凈。
I bought a new car! 我買了一輛新車!
I sold my old car because it was slow. 我把舊車賣了,因為它開起來非常慢。
A cup of coffee is hot. 這杯咖啡是熱的。
I don't like winter because it is cold. 我不喜歡冬天,因為冬天很冷。
After I had diarrhea for a month I was very thin. 在我腹瀉了一個月后,我變得非常瘦。
He is fat because he always eats a lot of burgers and fries. 他很胖,因為他經(jīng)常吃很多漢堡和薯條。
Bacteria are so tiny that we can't see them. 細菌非常細小,我們根本看不到。
The Pacific Ocean is enormous. 太平洋是浩瀚的。
A mouse is small. 一只老鼠非常小。
An elephant is large. 一頭大象體格龐大。
A lemon is sour. 檸檬是酸的。
I like sugar because it is sweet. 我喜歡吃糖,因為糖是甜的。
My baby is young. 我的孩子還小。
My grandfather is old. 我的祖父應經(jīng)老了。
I drank all the water, now the glass is empty. 我把水喝光了,現(xiàn)在杯子是空的。
I put some more water into my glass and now it is full. 我又往杯子里加了些水,現(xiàn)在杯子是滿的。
They had a beautiful wedding. They are married. 他們舉辦了浪漫的婚禮,他們結(jié)婚了。
I don't have a wife. I am single. 我沒有妻子,還是單身。
Fire is dangerous. 火是危險的。
Don't worry, the area is safe for children. 別擔心,這里對孩子們來說很安全。
We need to be polite at the dinner table. 吃飯時我們要有禮貌。
Eating with your feet on the table is rude. 把腳蹺在桌子上吃飯時非常粗魯?shù)摹?/p>
Planes fly very high. 飛機飛得很高。
Before the plane crashed it was flying very low. 飛機在墜毀之前飛得很低。
Sandpaper is rough. 砂紙是粗糙的。
Silk sheets are smooth. 絲綢床單是光滑的。
She doesn't like to talk to strangers - she is very shy. 她不喜歡和陌生人講話,她很害羞。
He loves meeting new people, he is very outgoing. 他喜歡結(jié)識新朋友,他很外向。
The ice was very hard. 冰是堅硬的。
The custard was soft. 蛋奶糕是松軟的。
A dwarf is short. 小矮人非常矮。
A basketball player is very tall. 籃球運動員很高。
A feather is light. 一片羽毛很輕。
A cannonball is heavy. 一發(fā)炮彈很重。