雅思英語作文 優(yōu)美句子
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雅思英語作文 優(yōu)美句子
Making friends itself is meaningful in that it makes the class a more attractive place and in the long run, it makes for students’ learning.
On the other hand, we must acknowledge that no matter how small or big a class is, it is simply not that important as the teacher.
Quite the opposite, if the teacher is good, then no matter how many students there are in one class, say, 1,000 of them, the teacher would still be able to teach enthusiastically and the students listen enjoyably, and the learning effect would be beyond any doubt.
Sure, it is okay to recruit the same number of male and female students just for the sake of maintaining equality between the two sexes, but the key point is: is it fair?
From the foregoing discussion, we can come to the conclusion that accepting the same number of male and female students in every subject does not hold water; therefore, it is totally unadvisable.
Teachers have rich experience which can help ensure that we learn more effectively and that we can quickly understand what we should understand. This will be hard to achieve if we learn by ourselves.
Of course, we can not deny the fact that self-learning is also indispensable. It is simply unrealistic to totally rely on our teachers for leaning everything.
After all, the time that our teachers can afford to stay with us is limited and there is no way for them to be with us wherever and whenever we need them. Therefore, we need to possess the ability and habit for self-study.
Based on the above discussion, we see that leaning under the guidance of teachers can make
the learning process itself easier and more enjoyable. However, we should never depend entirely on our teachers. We also need to invest a lot of time and effort into self-study and only by doing so can we be sure to really learn and gain knowledge.
The way or ways that people relieve their stress are very much different: some cry, some laugh, some overdrink themselves and some dance wildly, so on and so forth, to name just a few. However, the two most effective ways that work on me are sleeping in and taking long walks
While under great pressure, we tend to be impatient and easily lose our temper which could only aggravate our feeling of pressure. Sleeping in once there is a chance can help adjust our nerves and this is conducive to getting over nervousness and tiredness.
No matter who we are or where we live, no matter what our language or our culture is, we have many things in common with all other human beings.
We can also all think and as a result of thinking, we all know that the physical world exists apart from our ability to sense it.
A European coming to China for the first time may think that everyone looks alike because he sees people with black hair and dark eyes everywhere.
Our senses and the world beyond our bodies are physical realities that have nothing to do with culture, yet we interpret the information we receive from our senses and this process of interpretation is molded by culture.
16.我希望通過這些例子能夠讓你明白我們對世界的感知是受到我們自身文化的影響的。 I hope these examples convince you that how we experience the world through our senses is molded by our home culture.
Why do so many Americans distrust what they read in their newspapers?
Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.
Incidents of this kind will continue as long as sport is played competitively rather than for the
love of the game.
Due to different personalities and abilities, some people are more suitable to be members or leaders rather than the other way round, so it is incorrect to claim that being a member is better than being a leader of the group. This must proceed from one’s own actual situations.
Sure, people’s personalities and abilities can be remolded and cultivated and will not just remain to be as it is.
From the above discussion, we can see that whether to be a member or a leader of a group should be based on one’s actual conditions and personal preferences, so the view that being a member of a group is always better than being a leader can not really hold water.
Should the goal of college education be to ensure that the students find a good job or should it aim at cultivating the students’ overall abilities?
I hold that the goal of college education should primarily be to help students find a satisfactory job upon graduation.
I always argue that the significance of college education is that it cultivates the students’ overall abilities, including the ability for learning, for communication and for management and organization
Do movies and television affect our behavior?
A special concern is whether movies and television make children and the society as a whole more violent.
I believe that movies and television do influence our behavior, both positively and negatively.
Movies and television do make people more violent, so the more we see violent acts on movies and television, the less sensitive we become to them.
Children may not realize that violence has consequences. Moreover, they may fail to know that some of their acts are actually violent ones.
In movies, actors or actresses can kill or be killed again and again, for after all, they can
always come back to life and continue to act in other movies. However, in real life, a real person can live only once.
Movies and television affect our daily behaviors, making us less active.
When everything is acted out for us, our imagination stops performing its due function, which results in mental laziness.
There’s no denying that watching movies and television can also be beneficial.
For example, seeing movies can expose us to people of different races and cultures and this can help broaden our vision.
38.當(dāng)然,看電影的最大好處是它可以令我們得到放松,因為這是一種極好的娛樂方式。 Sure, the greatest benefit we get out of watching movies is that it can reduce our stress, for this is an excellent way of entertaining ourselves.
How much movies and television influence us depends on how much we watch, what we watch and how we respond to what we watch.
Children are spending too much time on computers and too little time on study and physical exercises. This has greatly affected their study and health and is, thereby, well worth our deep concern.
I believe that those who have more experience and more skills make more contribution to social development.
Japanese consumer products are able to dominate the world market because the Japanese are hard working, technologically oriented and innovation-focused.
First of all, we know that the Japanese work very hard, often sacrificing their free time for work.
As nuclear power is far too dangerous, I hold that all countries should ban its use and concentrate, instead, on the development of such alternative sources of energy as
hydroelectric power, wind power and solar energy.
45.每年都有成千上萬的高技能、高學(xué)歷人才離開中國前往發(fā)達(dá)國家工作或定居,這對我國的經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展帶來了負(fù)面影響,因為這些人才恰恰也是我們國家發(fā)展經(jīng)濟(jì)所需要的。 Every year thousands of highly skilled and well educated people leave China and go to work or live in a developed country. This is having a negative effect on the economic development
of our country, for these are the very people China needs in developing our economy.
How can we measure or define one’s social status? Some people hold that it should be based on the wealth an individual owns while others argue that one’s social status should be awarded according the contribution he or she has made to the society.
Altruism is a type of behavior in which an animal sacrifices its own interest for that of another animal or group of animals. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness. An individual performing altruistic acts gain nothing for himself.
Examples of altruism abound, both among humans and among other mammals.
Unselfish acts among humans range from the sharing of food with strangers to the donation of body organs to family members and even to strangers.
These acts are altruistic in that they benefit others, yet provide little reward to the individuals performing them.
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