Richness Of Life
Smiles around you, Friends you make, People you are with, Ideas you have, Dreams you chase, And the love you spread.
Outlook Towards Life
For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; And for everything you gain, you lose something else.
It is about your outlook towards life. You can either regret or rejoice.
Live Today
To live a little, you've got to love a whole lot. Love turns the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Life is a gift we're given each and every day.
Dream about tomorrow, but live for today. Don't wait for tomorrow. Make memories today. Life is for Living.
Lessons Of Wisdom
Mistakes are lessons of wisdom.
When you make a mistake, don't look back at it for long.
Take the lesson and move forward.
Although the past cannot be changed;
How to shape the future is still in your hands.
Change Your Tomorrow
Do not worry about yesterday, it's past and it will never change.
Do not worry about tomorrow, it's anyway going to be there.
You cannot make the most of tomorrow, without first making the most of today.
You can change your tomorrow, only by changing your today.
Life Is A Gift Life is a gift given by the God to us. Life is like a diamond which makes us beautiful and feel how much precious we are.
So fill your life with full of colours. Don't waste it or spoil it. Because God will never give you a second chance.
Your Life Tomorrow
Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past.
Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today.
Let Go Your Past
The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past;
You can't go forward in life until you let go of your past failures.
Nothing Is Permanent
Nothing is permanent on sands of time. Nothing, but the memories in heart will remain. And the images in mind shall forever live. Nothing will reappear, Nothing will repeat.
Never forget, But dare to dream. Life will change and it will be better. Possibly it may be better than before.
Better Times Will Come
Don't let the pain of one season, destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season.
Persevere through the difficult patches; And better times are sure to come some time or late.