每日一詩:岑參 逢入京使
On Meeting A Messenger to The Capital
故園東望路漫漫It's a long way home, a long way east.
雙袖龍鐘淚不干I am old and my sleeve is wet with tears.
馬上相逢無紙筆Meeting on horseback,no means of writing.
憑君傳語報平安Tell them three words: "He is safe."
每日一詩:張繼 楓橋夜泊
A Night-Mooring Near Maple Bridge
月落烏啼霜滿天Moon going down, Crow cawing, frost filling all over the sky,
江楓漁火對愁眠Maple-trees near the river and torch in the fisher opposite the sleeping anxiety.
姑蘇城外寒山寺From the temple on Cold Mountain out of Suzhou,
夜半鐘聲到客船The midnight ding touches my boat.
每日一詩:王維 九月九日憶山東兄弟
Thinking Of My Brothers On Mountain-climbing Day.
獨在異鄉(xiāng)為異客All alone in a foreign land,
每逢佳節(jié)倍思親I am twice as homesick on this day
遙知兄弟登高處When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,
遍插茱萸少一人Each of them a branch but my branch missing.
每日一詩:王翰 涼州詞
A Song of LiangZhou
葡萄美酒夜光杯Enjoying beautiful grape wine of moonlight cups,
欲飲琵琶馬上催Want to drink lute but hurried on the horseback.
醉臥沙場君莫笑Don't laugh when fall asleep drunk on the battlefield
古來征戰(zhàn)幾人回How many soldiers ever come back home?
每日一詩:杜牧 寄揚州韓綽判官
A Message to Han Cho the Yangzhou Magistrate
青山隱隱水迢迢There are faint green mountains and far green waters,
秋盡江南草未凋And grasses in this river region not yet faded by autumn;
二十四橋明月夜And clear in the moon on the Twenty-Four Bridges,
玉人何處教吹簫Girls white as jade are teaching flute-music.
每日一詩:杜牧 泊秦淮 A Mooring on the Qin Huai River
煙籠寒水月籠沙Mist veils the cold stream, and moonlight the sand,
夜泊秦淮近酒家As I moor in the shadow of a river-tavern,
商女不知亡國恨Where girls, with no thought of a perished kingdom,
隔江猶唱《后庭花》Gaily echo A Song of Courtyard Flowers.