1. elegy n. 哀歌、挽歌
2. a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead
3. satire:ridicule=elegy:sorrow
4. elegiac:sorrow=devotional:reverence
5. elephantine a. 象的,巨大的,粗笨的
6. having enormous size or strength:MASSIVE
7. microscopicelephantine
8. elevate vt. 舉起,提拔,鼓舞
9. to raise in rank or status:EXALT
10. debasementelevation
11. elicit vt. 引出,抽出,引起
12. to draw forth or bring out
13. evokefail to elicit
14. elitism n.精英論,優(yōu)秀人士統(tǒng)治
15. leadership or rule by an elite
16. ellipsis n省略
17. the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete
18. apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence
19. elliptical a.橢圓的';省略的 , 朦朧的,含糊的
20. of or relating to deliberate obscurity
21. ellipticalpalpable
22. elongate v.延長(zhǎng),伸長(zhǎng)
23. to extend the length of
24. elucidate v.闡明說(shuō)明
25. to give a clarifying explanation
26. garbleelucidate
27. obfuscateelucidate/illuminate/explain clearly